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The kingdom pathway to maturity

  • Teacher: Frederick Tobun
  • Released: 07.04.2021 18:42
  • Taxonomy: Theological, Personal, Mindset, Personal development
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Duration:
  • Price: £ 349.99
  • Lesson Release: All at once

Finish all lessons and pass quizzes with an average of 80%

Throughout history, the most successful societies have used rights of passage as a means to raise children and guide them into adulthood. These rites help children learn cultural norms, values, and responsibilities while fostering a sense of identity and belonging. The process promoted maturity and resilience and ensured successful integration into their community and nation.

In like manner the bible instructed Hebrew parents to train up a child in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). This instruction was underpinned by the history, heritage and inheritance laid down by the Old Testament Patriarchs.

If scripture impressed upon them the importance of raising their children in a particular way can this also be said for those born of the spirit? If so, would it not be incumbent upon us to know the rites of passage our heavenly father orchestrates to raise his own?

When I came to faith my church had no idea about the rites of passage. Like so many other denominations, ministries and churches membership involved a confession of sins, attending bible classes, preparing for baptism and serving within the local Church. 

Now as a new member, I enjoyed the process because I was full of zeal and enthusiasm. I dedicated myself to faithfully and enthusiastically reading the bible, attending church and actively participating in various ministries. However, no one sat me down and talked to me about the journey into maturity that I would need to take.

Frankly, this was because no one knew. 

Although I enjoyed fellowshiping and working with the community I felt that this routine didn't entirely address the challenges which I and others faced personally. 

So does the kingdom provide Christians with a pre-designed route to maturity?

In short, Yes! When I first learnt about the pathway to maturity it was one of those divine smell the coffee moments. One where I really wished somebody would have taught me this when I first came to faith. 

If I had known that there was a prescribed route to maturity it would have made life so much easier. Thankfully with this knowledge, I have not only been able to apply it to myself. I have also taught it to others as well as raised my own son. 

What will you learn?

This course rewrites the script by providing revelatory and insightful teaching which helps Christians, Elders and kingdom communities develop policies for nurturing and maturing Christians into kingdom citizens.

In this course, you will explore the pathway to maturity. A predesigned biblical process for raising sons & daughters into kingdom citizens.

Topics covered

In this course you will come to understand:

Session 1: Creating a kingdom legacy. 
Session 2: What does the bible have to say about adoption?
Session 3: Jesus' pathway to maturity. 
Session 4: Exploring the pathway.
Session 5: Exploring the pathway.
Session 6: Ekklesia, eldership and discipline session a.
Session 7: Ekklesia, eldership and discipline session b.
Session 8: Ekklesia, eldership and discipline session c.


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