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Exploring the Ekklesia

  • Teacher: Frederick Tobun, Tim Kurtz
  • Released: 30.06.2021 17:58
  • Taxonomy: Theological, Personal, Mindset, Ekklesia
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Duration:
  • Price: £ 99.99

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Christians from different denominations and backgrounds all around the world remember the words spoken by Christ to his disciples. Upon this rock, I will build my....Church.

The word rolls off the tongue of every congregant automatically without even thinking about it. We have been trained to think through repetition that we know what it means because we know how to finish the scripture. Yet despite this, the debate about what the church is continues to be discussed in homes and churches all around the world.

Whilst some have resigned themselves to the status quo others continue to wrestle for something more in keeping with what they read in the New Testament.

What will I learn?

In this course Frederick Tobun and Tim Kurtz explore the root meaning of the word church, the word "Ekklesia". What it is? Why it is different from the church and how should it look? The course also focuses on the biblical basis for the Ekklesia, its structure, organization, and expansion.

Topics covered

The course is composed of five sessions:

Session 1: What did Jesus mean when he said: "I will build my Church"?
This session explores what we think the church is and what Jesus actually had in mind for his people.

Session 2: Is there a difference between the Church and the Ekklesia?
This session focuses on why the difference between Church and Ekklesia isn’t just semantics.

Session 3: Why is it important to build by design rather than traditions?
This session explores the challenges we face when we build by tradition rather than design.

Session 4: Gather or assemble? What's the difference?
This session covers the basics on how citizens gather or assemble? What’s the difference and how does it impact our purpose?

Session 5: Titles, ranks, or functions. Why is it important?
This session discusses the importance of offices in scripture and how they should be viewed in light of God's nation-building program.


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