Good Stewardship

  • Teacher: Rodney Appiah
  • Released: 02.05.2022 13:11
  • Taxonomy: Practical, Personal, Mindset, Finance
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration:
  • Price: £ 0.00

No certificate is given for this course

In a world where wealth is defined by the accumulation of material possessions, Jesus counters that by saying that “good” is a matter of care and stewardship, even to the point of giving away that which we treasure. In this course you will learn the basics of what it means to be a good steward.

Through this course you will learn about:

The godly approach to money
Counting the cost
Let nothing be lost
The parable of the talents
The heart of giving

This course comes with a free to download copy of the presentation.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this course should not be intended either as financial, tax, legal advice or otherwise. This information is general information. All comments are of a general nature only. This information does not take in to account the particular financial situation, objectives or specific needs of its viewers watching this information.